B-Cycle battery recycling campaign
The B-cycle battery safety campaign encourages safe disposal of used batteries. The set of resources promotes consistent messages about taking loose batteries to a B-cycle accredited drop-off point so they can be recycled safely, which helps to prevent fires in general waste and recycling infrastructure. The key message is to 'Never bin your batteries', as binned batteries harm the environment and pose fire risks. Recycle with B-cycle instead.
The assets include posters, a brochure, fact sheets, bin stickers, videos, and social media content. They are available for use by local governments, regional councils and other stakeholders and can be downloaded below.
Some stakeholders may wish to co-brand assets or use elements of the campaign to deliver their own specialised waste recycling messages. If you have questions about how to use any of the assets, please contact cara@bsc.org.au.
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