a toolkit for local governments and regional councils
The WasteSorted toolkit for local governments is a free set of resources and communications to engage residents in effectively sorting their waste to reduce contamination – helping to reduce what goes to landfill and increase resource recovery.
Benefits include support to deliver consistent communications (graphics and language) across Western Australian local governments, whichever your kerbside bin system. There are lots of opportunities to request and have input into new resource development.
Local governments are supported by access to:
- Evidence-based GREAT Sorts behaviour change campaign developed using behavioural economics and behaviour change principles.
- Annual evaluation data on waste sorting behaviours across Western Australian suburbs. Useful for planning behaviour change interventions and community engagement.
- Culturally and Linguistically Diverse (CaLD) waste sorting guides and community engagement materials.
- A calendar of free social media and campaign communications.
FREE resources include:
- Templates and graphic elements
- Direct print communication for households
- Social media and videos
- Fridge magnets
- Bin signage and truck decals
- Banners and displays for community events
- School posters and bin stickers
- FOGO roll out communications guide
- Agreed lists of items for each kerbside bin system.
Join the many local governments and regional councils using the WasteSorted toolkits and play your part in providing consistent waste communications across Western Australia.
Choose your kerbside collection system
“The WasteSorted toolkit, particularly for councils going to FOGO, is invaluable! Providing consistency of messaging and familiarity across Perth Metro region and beyond is so important at this time of change. Really appreciate the time and research that goes into creating and updating this toolkit. Look forwarding to seeing what is released next!” - City of Vincent